Humans of New York.

1."After my stepfather cheated on her, my mother really put us through hell.
She tried to slit her wrists several different times.
She'd wait until she was almost dead, then call the kids in the room and tell them to call the ambulance.
There were eight kids, and I think it wounded all of us in a different way."

2.I've had a couple loves. One of them died. And the other left me for another man."
"Which hurt more?"
"If I was being absolutely honest, the second one."

3."What's your greatest struggle right now?"
"Keeping my children in my life."
"If you could change one decision you've made, what would it be?"
"All the decisions which broke up my family."
"What decision in particular?"
"The decision to keep drinking."

4."I'm leaving for Vegas in the morning to get married."

5."A coworker asked for my number the other day.
My friends overheard and said: 'He must have a thing for Indians.'
I was like, 'Or maybe I'm just really fucking cool.'"

6.I asked what he wanted to be when he grew up.
He screamed: "A benny!"
"What's a benny?" I asked.
"That's his name," said his mom.

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