Death Is A Limitless and Beautiful Experience !

Are u afraid of dying ? How can you be in love with life if you are against death?

Death is destiny. It has to be so because it is the origin – you come from death and you go to death.

Life is just a moment between two nothingnesses, just a flight of a bird between two states of non-being. 
If death is destiny, as it is, then the whole of life becomes a preparation, a training for it – a discipline in how to die rightly and how to die totally and utterly.
The whole of life consists in learning how to die. But somehow a wrong conception about death has entered humanity, the conception that death is the enemy.

Every type of life leads to death – the poor man’s life, the rich man’s life, a life of success and a life of failure, the life of the wise man and the life of an ignorant one, the life of a sinner and a saint.
All sorts of lives, whatsoever their differences, lead to death. How can you be in love with life if you are against death? Then your love is just nothing but a possessiveness, your love is nothing but a
clinging. Against death you cling to life, but you can understand that this very life is bringing death nearer every day. So you are doomed, all your efforts are doomed. And then anxiety arises, the whole being trembles.

You live in a trembling and then you become violent and mad -OSHO

OSHO. Never Born, Never Died. Only Visited this Planet Earth between 11 Dec 1931 – 19 Jan 1990.

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