All about LEOS !

Leos ignore haters. They have too many to count.

A Leo can easily dismiss your existence forever if they don't get what they want.

Leo women are fierce. They have the perfect attitude and personality. As well as a body to kill for.

Leo is a good friend to ask for advice. They are loyal and honest.

Whenever you underestimate a Leo, it encourages them to reach their goal even faster, just to see you look stupid.

If you take a Leo woman out, please don't be cheap. There will be no further communication after that day.

Leo does not have sex. They have a sexual performance where they're the star and you're the audience!

Leos see the best of you and the worst of you, and they choose both if they truly love you.

No doubt in mind that Leo can be a hard head and have a soft heart at the same time.

Leo best career choice is either a king or queen.



Leo and Aries have a genuine admiration and respect for each other.
They have similar likes and dislikes.


Taurus and Leo both have just what they want from each other in a relationship, security and stability yet excitement and passion.


There will be a strong mutual attraction between Gemini and Leo from the start. 
They both will  realize the benefits of staying together and eventually will form a deep bond that will last for a long time.


Cancer and Leo actually have a lot to learn from each other.
Leo builds up the confidence of shy Cancer as they learn to be more fun loving and out going and Cancer in turn teaches Leo the value of having a secure and stable relationship.


When two Leos are together they form a strong united bond but this can just as easily break if these two fiery lions clash. 
This relationship can go either way, happiness and contentment or despair and distrust.


Leo and Virgo together are a fine example of how a partnership can develop and grow stronger in time. 
Leo and Virgo both strive for similar goals, making this a strong partnership.


For Leo and Libra, it's often a case of love at first sight when these two meet.
Leo and Libra both admire each other's beauty and charm; they will enjoy romancing each other.


Scorpio and Leo are both strong willed and need to give more to each other to keep an even balance on their differences. 
Leo appreciates the intensity of love and devotion from Scorpio.


Together they are the life and soul of any party.
Sagittarius loves to enjoy the moment, and will be more than happy to allow Leo to take center stage which Leo is only too pleased to do.


Capricorn can appear cold at times and this may make Leo feel a bit bored by Capricorn's predictable lifestyle, however Capricorn will soon appreciate Leos spontaneity and care free, laid back attitude towards life. Leo in turn will learn from Capricorn's no nonsense approach and to be more realistic about achieving their goals. 


Leo and Aquarius will support each other in their life goals and ambitions.
Aquarius and Leo can both be quick tempered and tempers can flare easily between the two, however Aquarius learns from Leo how to forgive and forget just as quickly and as the compassionate nature of  the two signs takes hold, they will kiss and make up just as quick.


The opposite qualities that Leo and Pisces have can make or break a relationship.
Leo will be attracted to the kindness and sensitivity of Pisces, in turn Pisces admires the strength and power Leo holds.
Pisces will learn to feel comfortable by Leos' warm personality.

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