Stonehenge mystery..

Built in three sections over 6,400 years by the Neolithic inhabitants of Salisbury Plain in Southern England, Stonehenge has captivated visitors for thousands of years.
The site contains 30 sarcens (upright stones) weighing 26 tons and 30 lintels (horizontal top stones). Each stone weighs 6 tons and was carved from bluestone from a
location several miles away. The Neolithic builders were able to create a monumental that has perplexed humanity for thousands of years using only stone tools,
and without using draft animals. Even after all these years, nobody really knows why Stonehenge was built. The other mysteries surrounding Stonehenge are its
construction and the significance of the giant blue stones used. As a result of the recent discovery, a new theory has emerged,
one that states that Stonehenge was a place to celebrate the lives of the dead.

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