Facts about Albert Einstein!

1. Einstein Had Trouble Speaking.
Even though he was essentially a genius, Einstein had trouble speaking when he was a child.
As a child, Einstein would speak very slowly as he would form sentences in his head so he could speak them properly.
This was not something confined to his very early years, but continued all the way until he was nine.

2. Einstein Had an Interesting Relationship with His Wife.

While Einstein was known as somewhat of a ladies’ man, plus his constant traveling as part of his academic fame, the relationship between him and Mileva became strained. 
After trying to work things out, the couple entered into a contract that would allow them to live together under certain conditions.
These conditions, outlined by Einstein, were as follows:

1. You will make sure my clothes and laundry are in good order.
2. You will make sure that I will receive my three meals regularly in my room.
3. You will make sure my bedroom and study is kept neat, and especially that my desk is left for my use only.
4. You will renounce all personal relations with me insofar as they are not completely necessary for social reasons.
5. You will stop talking to me if I request it.

3.The Great Brain….Ends Up In a Trunk.
After Albert Einstein’s death in 1955 his brain was removed without approval from his family and an autopsy was conducted.
Thomas Harvey conducted this autopsy and eventually it was discovered that Einstein’s brain had large portion of glial cells in the region that synthesizes information.
Other studies also indicated that Einstein’s brain did not have a particular kind of wrinkle and this allowed the neurons to communicate better with each other.

- When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand German.

- Einstein was so famous in his lifetime that people would stop him in the street to ask him to explain to them the Theory of Relativity.
He finally got so tired with the questions that when someone would ask, he would respond “So Sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein.”

-Einstein Was a Fat Baby with Large Head.
-He was Inspired by a Compass.
-Albert Einstein had an illegitimate child with Mileva Maric who was one of his former students.
-Einstein Didn’t Get Along with His Oldest Son.

Einstein was not present to receive his Nobel Prize in December 1922 because he was on a trip to Japan.

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