Wow! signal

The Wow! signal was a strong narrow band radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of Ohio State University .

Was the Wow! signal every decoded?
No, it has never been decoded. It could not be put down to any human derived sources, despite extensive studies. But, despite this, it has not been repeated either, so it remains unconfirmed. It may yet prove to be a natural phenomenon or isolated event that has just not been explained yet, such as an unusual interaction between exploding stars, collisions etc etc.
It can be one of those rare communications phenomena, where various frequencies widely dispersed suddenly come in unison and in phase creating a peak and sounded 'Wow'. Analysis is very difficult.
And..Since the signal was around the 21 cm hydrogen band it is extremely likely to have a natural cause.

To one who don't know what is Wow!signal

It’s no rare occurrence in science fiction: The introverted researcher working the graveyard shift at a SETI radio observatory jumps out of his seat in surprise when the red light blinks on the control panel. “We’re getting a signal!” he shouts into a phone as needles dance across paper chart recorders, and scientists rapidly converge on the scene. At some point someone yells, “Get me the President!” at the person whose job it is to get presidents.

On August 15th, 1977, such a signal was received at the Big Ear radio observatory in Ohio, though the ensuing drama was considerably more subdued. The volunteer who spotted the pattern on the paper logs circled the data and wrote “Wow!” in the margin. The radio telescope was observing space as part of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program, and it was the most compelling signal the receiver had recorded in its fourteen years of operation. It was powerful enough to push the Big Ear’s monitoring device off the charts.

The signal came from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, and lasted seventy-two seconds at about 1420.456 MHz before it faded away. The volunteer who found and circled the data in the paper printout was Jerry Ehman, who was amazed at the signal’s intensity and what a narrow range of frequencies it appeared in.

AMAZING ISN'T IT?Probably God have done the Wow -signal

Yes, the WOW signal.
“Wow” remains the strongest and clearest signal ever received from an unknown source in space, as well as the most fascinating and unexplainable. The signal’s original discoverer Jerry Ehman doesn’t care to speculate on its source, and he remains scientifically skeptical. “Even if it were intelligent beings sending a signal,” he said in an interview, “they’d do it far more than once.

We should have seen it again when we looked for it 50 times.”
THE BEST PART I LIKED IS : Computer shifts from numbers to letters and then keep climbing all the way up to "U," which represented a signal thirty times higher than the background noise level. 

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